The Monitoring feature in the Campaign Configuration section includes several key attributes. Each attribute plays a specific role in tracking and managing errors and alerts.

Below is a description of each object:
- AccountId: A unique identifier assigned to the account associated with the monitored campaign or object. This helps link the issue to a specific account.
- Account Name: The name of the account to which the campaign or object belongs.
- ObjectId: The unique identifier for the specific object being monitored, such as a campaign, message, or another relevant entity.
- ObjectType: Indicates the type of the monitored object. For example, it could represent a push send, or data export.
- Error Message: A description of the issue or problem encountered, providing insights into the cause of the error.
- Error Severity: Represents the level of urgency for the error. This prioritization ensures critical issues are addressed promptly.
- AlertWithEmail: Specifies whether an email alert has been configured for this error.
- AlertWithCall: Indicates whether a call alert has been set up for this error.
- Is Email Sent: Shows whether an email alert has been sent in response to the error.
- IsClientAlertSent: Indicates if a client-specific alert has been sent.
- IsCallSent: Reflects whether a call alert has been made to notify about the error.
- Created At: The date and time when the error was recorded, helping to track when the issue occurred.
- Object Date: The date associated with the monitored object. This could be the object's creation date, last modified date, or another relevant timestamp.
Updated about 1 month ago