Geofence Trigger Period Adjustment

The Geofence Trigger Period Adjustment feature allows for greater flexibility in geofence campaigns by enabling users to specify active days and time intervals within a campaign’s defined date range. This enhancement ensures campaigns are more precise, efficient, and aligned with business needs, ultimately improving targeting and reducing unnecessary activity.

  • Trigger Period: Define specific active days and time intervals for campaigns.
  • Day Selection: Choose applicable days via checkboxes (Monday to Sunday).
  • Time Interval Selection: Define start and end times for each day using a Time Picker.
  • Default Behavior: Campaigns remain continuously active if no specific days or time intervals are set.

How to Access

  1. Navigate to Campaign > Targeting > Geofencing > New+.
  2. Select the campaign type as Single Channel and the channel as Push.
Single Channel - Push

Single Channel - Push

3.Fill in the required details:

  • Name: Enter the campaign name.

  • Tag: Add a tag for the campaign.

  • Application: Select the applicable application.

4.Under the Schedule option, define the start and end dates for the campaign.

5.Enable the Periodic Trigger option:

  • From the dropdown menu, choose either:
    • All Days: Activates the campaign for all days within the date range.
    • Custom Days: Specify selected days.
Periodic Trigger

Periodic Trigger

6.Enable the Set Time checkbox to define the active time interval:

  • Specify the Start Time and End Time for each active day.

This feature ensures that campaigns can operate more efficiently and precisely, reducing unnecessary activity and maximizing impact.


  • The receiver must grant geolocation permission.
  • The Geofence Trigger Period Adjustment feature is available as an add-on and must be purchased separately to enable it for your campaigns.