Users are individuals who can log in to the platform and carry out specific tasks, such as managing your data, creating marketing journeys, and sending messages to your contact and device database.
In this section, you can list the users who are authorized to log in to the admin panel and perform activities according to the permissions assigned in the Role and Permission section.
Always follow the minimum permission rule
Adhering to this principle is crucial for maintaining the security and integrity of our system. Granting users only the permissions they need to perform their tasks minimizes the risk of unauthorized access and potential misuse of sensitive data. By restricting access to essential functions, we can better protect your data and ensure a safer environment for all users. Remember, the minimum permission rule is a fundamental aspect of our security policy, and its consistent application is vital for safeguarding our operations.
Roles And Permissions
If a suitable permission set does not exist, please refer to the Roles And Permissions section to create the appropriate roles and permissions. Once created, assign these to the new users!
The main overview page of Users will be listed as follows:
Users tab
1️⃣ Users and Invites tabs
Users tab: View and manage existing users in the account.
Invites tab: Display invited users from the account.
Filtering Invites
Filter: The table is filtered on the bases of status field in the table.
Filtering by Status of an invitation
Waiting: Show all the users invited but not yet responded.
Completed: Show all the user who accepted invitation and has login right to the system.
2️⃣ Search Bar: Allows you to search for users or invites based on specific criteria.
3️⃣ Invite: This feature allows you to send invitations to potential new users so they can join your account and start using the platform.
4️⃣ Overview
Name: Displays the user's full name.
Email: Shows the email address associated with the user.
Phone: Lists the phone number associated with the user.
Role: Displays the user's role in the account, such as admin or user.
Login: Indicates whether is the user is Dengage user or local account user.
For Invites
Email: Shows the email address associated with the user.
Status: Show the status associated with the user.
Created:Display all the date/time of the creation of invitation send to the user .
Responded: Display all the Responded date/Time of the invited user .
Waiting Invitation Status
Selected Filter -> Waiting
Expires:If you select the filter option as "Waiting," the "Expires" field will appear instead of the "Responded" field. This allows you to focus on how long the invitation remains active before it expires.
Sender: Show the name of the Sender for the invitation.
Invited User Listing
How to invite a new user
Please click Invite button on the main page. The following popup will appear:
Send Invitation
1️⃣ Email: Specify the email address of the new user you want to invite.
2️⃣ Login Type: Choose the type of login for the new user.
Login Types
Local: The user will log in using local account credentials. Please always use Local login type.
Dengage: The user will log in through Dengage's authentication system.
3️⃣ User Role: Assign a role to the new user, such as Full Admin or Restricted Access, based on the level of access you want them to have.
4️⃣ Temporary Invitation: Decide whether the invitation should be temporary or permanent.
Enabling Temporary Invitation
Enabling -> Temporary Invitation
Your Current System Time: Displays the current time for your system.
Maximum Selected Date and Time: Specify the maximum date and time for the temporary invitation. After this time, the user will not be allowed to login to the system.
Security Concern
For security reasons, you should always enable Temporary Invitation time for users whom you need temporarily in your account.
5️⃣ Send: Once you've filled in the necessary information, click "Send" to dispatch the invitation to the new user.