Web Login

This page allows you to restrict access to your web interface login.

Logging in through the Web Interface is a crucial security matter. Anyone who gains access to your account can control various elements like your audience, segments, campaigns, etc.

To navigate to Web Login access management go to Settings > Web Login as shown below

Settings > Web Login

Settings > Web Login

Therefore, it's essential to secure your web login as thoroughly as possible. This page offers options to:

1️⃣ Enable MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication), which we highly recommend to prevent unauthorized access using just a username and password.
2️⃣ Restrict login access from specific IP addresses.

3️⃣ Limit the domains that you or other account users can use for sending invitations, or for downloading or exporting data.

Web login restrictions

Web login restrictions

2-Factor Authentication

This feature enables two-factor authentication via Email or an authentication tool such as Google Authenticator.


Types of 2-Factor Authentication

2-Factor Authentication offers two methods: Email or Authenticator (TOTP). We strongly recommend using the TOTP method.

Types of 2-Factor Authentication

Types of 2-Factor Authentication

 IP Restriction on Web Login

This feature allows you to define IP addresses from which the platform will permit login access to your account.

Please check IP Restrictions check box and list IPs to allow below in the text area.


IP List without IP Restriction check

To activate this feature, you must select the IP Restriction checkbox. Otherwise, even if you list IPs in the IP List text area, the system will not enforce these IP addresses.

IP List: Specify the list of allowed IP addresses from which your account can be accessed.


IP List Format

After enabling IP restrictions, the IP list must be provided in a specific format. The format consists of a list of IP addresses separated by commas. The IP addresses can be expressed in different ways.

  • Single IP Addresses: A single IP address, such as
  • IP Ranges: A range of IP addresses, denoted by a hyphen between the start and end IP addresses, such as
  • CIDR Notation: An IP address with a subnet mask, expressed using CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) notation, such as

Authenticated Domains

In the platform there are some certain functions closely related to dat and account security. We can list these features

1️⃣ Invitation: Inviting to other users to login to your account

2️⃣ Export: Exporting data out of your account.

The platform restricts these functions to specific domains here.


Default Authenticated Domains

The default authenticated domain is the one you used to register your account. You need to specify any additional domains that should be allowed to our security team to add via our account management team.

We do not accept public domain users like those from Hotmail or Gmail etc. Please do not request to add these domains, as we are committed to protecting the security of your account.