Remote Segments
Remote segments retrieve audiences from external data tables not locally available within Dengage CDP.
Remote Segments represent one of the cornerstone features of the Dengage Platform, addressing the complexities associated with managing and synchronizing vast quantities of data collected from numerous touchpoints. The challenge of transferring this substantial data outside of our systems and maintaining its synchronicity is a significant concern for many businesses.
Dengage elegantly resolves this issue by facilitating the creation of segments that seamlessly integrate data from both local databases hosted on our platform and remote data silos. This innovative approach allows Dengage to treat local and remote data sources as a cohesive unit, enabling marketers to construct unified segments that leverage insights from across these varied data landscapes.
The platform's capability to connect with multiple remote sources enhances its versatility, allowing for the creation of comprehensive remote segments. This integration ensures that marketers can harness the full potential of their data, regardless of its location, to drive targeted and effective marketing campaigns. By bridging the gap between local and remote data, Dengage empowers organizations to achieve a more holistic view of their audience, thereby enhancing the precision and impact of their marketing efforts.
Understanding Segments and Remote Segments:
Within this menu, you have the flexibility to create numerous Remote Segments. These remote segments can subsequently be incorporated into your existing segments, allowing you to craft segments that leverage data from both local and remote sources simultaneously.
Remote Segment Listing
The "Remote Segments" section comprises two primary divisions: "All Segments" and "Segments created by me." as their names imply, they list all and segments created by the user respectively. Here, all segments are detailed, including listing data and folders.
The following columns are displayed:
- Name : The name of Remote Segment
- Last Edited On
- Last Edited By
- Created By
- Created On
(1)Search Remote Segments: The search option enables quick access to any segment. Searches are conducted based on keywords, facilitating efficient navigation to the desired segment.
(2)Sort Remote Segments: Sorting functionality enables users to arrange the segments table data according to their requirements. In the specified listing, there are three main columns that can be sorted:
- By Name: A-Z or Z-A
- By Last Edited On: Ascending or Descending
- By Created On: Ascending or Descending

(3)Filter Remote Segments: Filter option is available to filter out the data by any specific category. In this case, date range filter is available or the system allows to filter by the following options:
- By date: Range [From-To]
- By date: update date or creation date.

(4)Remote Segment List: In the listing section, the first column, labeled "Name," is interactive. You can access the details of any remote segment by simply clicking on it. Additionally, you can also click on the three dots within the listing to edit remote segments. Please see Edit and test a remote segment to understand how to edit a remote segment.

The list of Remote Segments
Add a remote segment
This feature enables the creation of a new remote segment within the remote segment listing. Upon clicking the "New" button, the system will redirect the user to the "New Remote Segment" form.
- Selecting the "Cancel" button will close the form.
- Choosing the "Save" button will prompt the system to save the form after validating its contents.

(1) Name: Assign a unique name to your remote segment.
(2)Add Description: Clicking on "Add Description" text will prompt the system to open a field where the user can write a description.

(3)Change Folder: This feature enables users to change the folder placement and triggers a pop-up window to select the desired folder.

(4)Next: After adding the remote segment name and description, the system enables the "Next" button.

Creating a remote segment
Upon clicking the "Next" button, the system will redirect the user to a new screen where they can perform the following actions:
- Remote Source: Displays a dropdown menu to select from available remote sources.
- Edit: Use this option to modify the remote segment name and details given in the first step.

After selecting the remote source, a query window will appear where you can compose your own mapping query to align your data with the Dengage CDP. Please write your query and run it. This will validate your query and allow you save it for future use.

Write your SQL query to query your remote source
Run and test your query
Ensure to run and validate your query before saving it
Queries can be saved with variables, allowing you to specify these variables later when you run them to query your dataset with different parameters.
For example, instead of a fixed query such as 'select all people who purchased items in the last 7 days with an average spend of $100', you can save a flexible query like 'select all people who purchased items in the last X days with an average spend of $Y'. This approach enhances flexibility significantly.
Edit and test a remote segment
By clicking the name of a remote segment or selecting 'Action>Edit' at the end of each row, the SQL query associated with that segment will be displayed as follows:
(1) Remote Source: Indicates the remote data source this remote segment is working on.

Example Remote Segment selecting rows from a Google Big Query
(2) SQL Query Window: This area maintains the SQL query for selecting audiences from remote segments. Subsequently, these remote segments may be integrated into local segments or directly employed in journey mappings. For more details, see Segments Documentation.
Using Variables in Remote Segment Queries
Remote segment queries are dynamic, supporting variables within their SQL structures. This approach greatly enhances flexibility, allowing remote segments to serve as templates: write the query once, then modify the variables to execute the same query with different parameters.
(3) Run: Clicking this button executes the query on your remote source, with the outcomes displayed in a separate window. Should the query include a variable, the platform will prompt you to supply this parameter as illustrated below:

The plaform asking for departure variable in the query
After entering the variable, the platform executes the query and retrieves the corresponding results. This indicates that the query is functioning correctly and the test is successful. Consequently, this remote segment can be utilized across the Dengage Platform.

The result of query executed
(4) Variables: This button lists all variables available on the platform. You can add any defined variables to the query, and also create new variables to be used in this query or future queries.

Create a sql variable to use in remoe segment queries
Variables in the query can be of various types, including String, String List, Integer, Integer List, Decimal, and so forth. Once it is defined here, it can be used in the remote segment query window.
Add/Change Folders
(1)Open Folders:Folders are provided and contain remote segments. Each folder features a distinct listing of segments, and there is also the possibility of having sub-folders within them.

(2)New Folder: You can create a new folder by clicking on the "New Folder" button.

(3)Go Back to Folders List:Clicking the "Back" button allows you to navigate back from the folder.

Folder list structure in Remote Segments
Updated 6 days ago