
GetBatchReport API is used to collect JSON report messages from MMP Enterprise.

It fetches report messages from a reporting queue. One single report message can have more than one report item. It could even consists of more than 1000 report items in a single report message delivered by the API.

Please note that a message can only be received once. Therefore, you must first save your report and commit it to your database. These report messages are stored in the file sytem for 7 days to prevent potential data loss.

There are 5 types of reports for Email Channel:

- Delivered: delivery reports (report-type : **delivered**)
- Hard Bounces: 5xx bounces (report-type : **hard**)
- Soft Bounces: 4xx bounces (report-type : **soft**)
- Open: open reports (report-type : **open**)
- Click: click reports (report-type : **click**)

There are 2 types of reports for SMS Channel:

- Delivered : delivery reports (report-type : **delivered**)
- Hard: non-delivered SMS items (report-type : **hard**)
- Soft: items with timeout/undefined status in a configured time period (report-type : **soft**)

There are 3 types of reports for Push Channel:

  • Delivered : delivery reports (report-type : delivered)
  • Hard: non-delivered Push messages most probably Invalid Token (report-type: hard)
  • APNS feedback loop reports (report-type: apns-expired)

Please check channel in the response to understand the channel. The possible values in this parameter: email, sms, push
Please check report-type in the response to understand the report type. The possible values in this parameter: delivered, hard, soft, open, click, apns-expired

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!